Hum celebrates

In fall 2006, just two years ago, Melissa and Marianne Jurcevic opened the doors to a fabulous new boutique on Main Street called Hum. For a small recap, the girls are sisters who move to Vancouver from Edmonton. They named their store Hum after a quaint little town in Croatia, which is part of their family heritage. They both have business and marketing backgrounds and both have an astute sense of style.

When interviewing the girls a year ago for a previous article in Gloss, it seemed they had really come into their own as shop owners, buyers, entrepreneurs and soon to be designers. At their two-year anniversary event, held at the store a couple weeks ago, the girls mingled amongst a very fashion-savvy crowd that seemed to be shopping up a storm  for new fall pieces. With clients, friends, vendors and media to support the dynamic twosome, it was very  clear how pleased these sisters were with their accomplishments “We are joined at the hip, we balance each other out in regards to purchasing, store esthetic, and in regards to where we see the business going” says Melissa. For the past two years the girls have marched forward and achieved  many of the goals they  had established for themselves, like sourcing and introducing new womenswear lines, as well as adding menswear in the store and re-launching an improved online shop.

As for the future at Hum, Melissa and Marianne hope to create their own line of clothing and accessories, and to continue increasing the awareness of Canadian talent in fashion design. Well-done ladies, congratulations on two fabulous years!

For more information on Hum please go to the website at

Hum: 3623 Main Street, Vancouver, (604) 708 5486.