Source: Vancouver Museum

Source: Vancouver Museum

Women’s Fashion of La Belle Epoque

La Belle Epoque or Beautiful Era is a stunning exhibit of women’s fashions from the 1890’s to around 1914.  It is curated by Ivan Sayers and you can catch it at the Vancouver museum now through March 23rd, 2008. See a display of intricately detailed dresses and overcoats adorned with silk damask, beads, and lace overlays, colourful and delicate accessories, jeweled purses and elaborate undergarments. What is most interesting is how the silhouettes change dramatically throughout a relatively short period of time. The exhibit clearly shows how the designers worked around accentuating and manipulating the curves of a woman’s body.  From the S-bend silhouette to Charles Frederick Worth’s bustle behind to Paul Poiret’s hobble skirt, this was a period that displayed designers’ acute awareness to detail and fine workmanship, qualities that are virtually extinct in today’s world of fashion. A fabulous history lesson underpins the lavish display of clothes from the debate on corsets to the tale of the white wedding dress. Beautiful clothes and a bit of history equate to a perfect excuse for a trip to the museum.