Hunt and Gather
Nicole Sjostedt
“Clothing is used as a means for survival in a much bigger sense than just keeping us warm and dry.”
Shop owner and designer Natalie Purschwitz of Hunt & Gather in Vancouver’s Gastown gives us edge, ease and aesthetics with her whimsical designs and minimalist boutique. Gloss gets the scoop on this busy entrepreneur’s approach.
Gloss: How did the idea of your store come about or is this something that you have always wanted to do?
N.P: I had never thought about opening a store before I rode my bike by the storefront that now houses Hunt & Gather. As soon as I saw the space, I knew I would open a store there. It all came together really quickly after that
Gloss: Did you study fashion at school or have previous experience in fashion before you opened the shop?
N.P: I studied fine arts and took a detour into clothing design. I did costume design (mostly for dance) before I started to work on my own line. That's where most of my experience comes from. It was very hands on.
Gloss: How did you come up with the name "Hunt & Gather?
N.P: I studied Archaeology before I went into fine arts and that influence always crept into my clothing design aesthetically and metaphorically. I feel that we are all still hunter and gatherers and that clothing is used as a means for survival in a much bigger sense than just keeping us warm and dry.
Gloss: What‘s in store for your Spring 08 collection?
N.P: I will be bringing in a couple of new designers for the Sp 08 season and I will also be launching a lingerie line.
Gloss: When designing, who is your inspiration?
N.P: I have a few idols in the fashion world - Vivenne Westwood, Issey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo - but I mainly try to draw from the world around me and sometimes from contemporary art.
Gloss: Who is your customer?
N.P: She is 25-45, strong, independent, willing to take some fashion risks and is constantly developing her individual style. She wants to be comfortable, but she also wants to look good.
Gloss: Where is your collection available?
N.P: Right now it's only available at my store and a few select items are online at
Gloss: What are your price points?
N.P: Average prices range from $100 to $300 for skirts or tops.
Hunt & Gather
225 Carrall Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 2J2