Source: Katherine Laflamme

Sexy & Witty- Pin Up Moms in Vancouver

New, edgy, exciting, vibrant, hip — all of these adjectives shot through my mind as I got a first glimpse at the artwork of local artist Katherine Laflamme.  Originally from Quebec City, Laflamme is quick to make her mark on the West Coast with her innovative art pieces. Katherine is a bit of everything artistic. She studied fine arts, 3D animation, graphic design, literature, and social studies at the Emily Carr Institute. Aside from being a fulltime mom to her baby boy, painting colourful art, and putting together art shows, Katherine was so kind to answer some quick questions about her latest pieces. Her latest collection titled Pin-Up Moms will launch April 3rd at the Libra Room in Vancouver. 

GLOSS: You have the launch for your Pin-Up Moms collection at the Libra Room on April 3rd. Could you talk about the paintings and how you were inspired for the collection?
Katherine: The Pin-Up Moms collection is not only an inspiration for women to feel sexy while being great mothers, it is also representing how our society is now accepting the idea that mothers can also be sex symbols as edgy and provocative as the Pin-Ups were in the middle of last Century.

GLOSS: I really like your choice of colours.  How do you pick and choose colours for each painting?
Katherine: Although inspired by some of the classic Pin-Up Girls, Pin-Up Moms is meant to be an explosion of colour and energy, inspired by the joy and freedom to be an urban, edgy mother and of course, from how I feel since I’m a mother myself.

GLOSS: Is there a name and story to each individual painting?
Katherine: There are 12 paintings for the 12 months of the year. The names are still being brewed, but there is definitely a story behind each painting and behind the series as a group. Some of the paintings are playful — a big part of being a mother — some are more seductive, which should also be a big part of being a mother. I never came out of a cake personally, but it is one example of what a mother will do to entertain and please her children.

GLOSS: How do you begin to formulate each painting?
Katherine: From ideas I get while spending time with my great little boy to sketching; most of the work comes from my daily life. Our arms are often too busy to worry about a skirt being blown in the wind. As urban, busy moms, we still need to stop and breastfeed wherever and whenever our child requests it.

GLOSS: What is the overall message you wish to convey to your audience through this exhibit?
Katherine: We live at a fantastic time where being a mother is no longer frowned upon, where breastfeeding is acceptable everywhere, where single mothers are as desirable as childless women, and where looking great does not mean being a bad girl.

GLOSS: How did you end up choosing the Libra Room as the location for your launch? 
Katherine: I was walking on Commercial Drive on a Saturday afternoon and stopped by to take a look at their recent upgrades. Between the new layout of the place, the warm feel of the brick walls, and the live Jazz music, the shoe seemed to fit right away. I contacted the person in charge of the exhibits and everything worked out very fast.

GLOSS: As an artist, where do you find most of your creative motivation?
Katherine: It is important for me to show that I am following dreams and inspirations. This makes me a better parent. Painting has been one of my ways to express myself. As a new mother, I have recently seen my life take a turn no one could have warned me about. Time, energy, and daily life took a whole new meaning. The idea for Pin-Up Moms came to me like a bus on the street. After emerging from the loss of identity that followed giving birth to my amazing little boy, I suddenly realized that not only are we stronger and more resourceful than ever, but also that we are still as sexy, witty, and desirable as the original Pin-Up girls.

Check out Katherine Laflamme’s gallery opening on April 3rd at the Libra Room at 1608 Commercial Drive, Vancouver. Or check out for more info.