
Event 55: A Traveller’s Totems (Sunday, October 21st, 10:30 a.m.)

Though this event was a little early in the day, and it was pouring rain outside, I noticed that the seats at the PTC studio filled up swiftly. The featured writer, Barbara Hodgson, was one of the few non-fiction writers that I’d chosen to see at the festival (even though there were quite a few featured at other events). She did not disappoint!

Unlike the majority of writers at the festival, Hodgson did not read directly from her books. Instead, she spoke informally and showed slides; this made for a truly exciting presentation! Hodgson’s latest book, Trading in Memories, takes the reader on guided tours through international cities by way of unconventional souvenirs. Hodgson explained that she is an avid traveller who researches locations before she travels somewhere, and avoids pricey and meaningless knick-knacks. Instead, she favours what others might see as junk: scraps of old posters, spools of embroidery thread, an unidentified family’s cast-off photos, X-rays, children’s toys. 

Hodgson’s photos of these odds and ends called to mind buried treasure. One of her most valuable discussions centred on how to return to your routine and home while holding onto the excitement and novelty of travel, how to see your home through the eyes of a traveler. She noted that her hometown, Vancouver, prizes newness. She mentioned that she loves the old and crumbling, and hopes that Vancouver is able to maintain character alongside its shininess and construction. In discussion with the audience, she advised choosing flea markets and estate sales, especially in Vancouver, in order to find objects that feel priceless.

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